Dylan Bawden

Personal Information
Date of Birth: 08.04.1972
Place of Birth: Essex, England
Nationality: British
Summary of Education
- Fellow PGA professional trained by Vivien Saunders British Open winner, OBE PhD
- BSc Degree Recreational Management Lincoln University
- H. N. D. in Golf Course Studies Kingston University
- N. D. in Sports Psychology Newcastle University
- Two ‘A’ Levels in Business and Technology
- Nine GCSE ’s (7 at grade B, 2 at grade C)
Work experience
2014 - Present DylanGolf Spillern GC
2011 – 2013 Golfrange Vienna
2006 – 2010 Treudelberg Golf Course Hamburg
Worked with a team of 3 at this prestigious golfclub with Steigenberger Hotel, head of junior training, extensive shnupper due to conferences at hotel, privates, PE 48 hour courses
2006 Red Flag Golf, Golf & Country Club Mühlenhof, Germany
Head of teaching building academy, radio interviews, newspaper interviews, journalist open days, organized new courses to increase membership substantially
2003 – 2005 Hotel & Resort Wutzschleife, Germany
Full time golf professional teacher. Mainly hotel guests from all over Germany doing one week Platzriefe courses. Developed my teaching effectively by having new beginners every week and experiencing great success
1998 – 2003 Generation Sports & Languages
GSL is a French company that organizes sport and language holidays worldwide. Assisted Director in setting up schools around the world. Organized and managed the running of his schools and taught golf to the schools
2001 – 2002 De Montfort University, Lincoln
BSc Degree Recreational Management
Studied recreational management at degree level covering all aspects of leisure management particularly suited to the golf industry. Studied extensively teaching and learning theory in order to compile the second edition of my dissertation.
1997 – 1998 Newcastle University, Newcastle
N. D. in Sports Psychology
Covered all aspects of sports psychology.
1992-1996 Kingston University, London
H. N. D. in Golf Course Studies
Studied an H.N.D. in Golf Course Studies in conjunction with training for the P.G.A. Studied all aspects of the golfing industry including, Management, Hospitality, Sports Psychology, Fitness Studies, European Studies, Law, Computer Studies, Tournament and Playing Skills. I was secretary of the Merrist Wood Golf Club and took them to win the England University Championship.
Trained by Vivien Saunders British Open winner, O.B.E (PhD) teaching and managing at her golf schools in Cambridgeshire.
I attained distinction for all of my studies.
Languages & other Qualifications
- English and German
- Became Fully Qualified Member of the British PGA in 1999.
- Awarded 'Advanced' Professional Golfers’ Association
status in 2005.
-Author of the Book Joseph Dylan Educure "Hit the Ball" available on Amazon.